“Anatomy of an Epidemic”: A Book Review and my Thoughts, Part 4

In my first three posts in this series, I review the book, “Anatomy of an Epidemic” by Robert Whitaker. In my last post, I reviewed Whitaker’s points about the industry of drugging up kids. In this post, I explain how my experience as a Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (MSbP) survivor informs my reaction to this book.

Throw out colorful garbage

Better Off Without Drugs

Zoloft BottlesA common theme throughout the book was how much better off people are when they aren’t on medications; regardless of whether they really are mentally ill or not.  A study that Whitaker noted showed that exercise was a much better remedy for people with mild to moderate depression than Zoloft.

I can say now, since I have been a good ten years off these drugs, that I have much more clarity, and I feel like a human, not a slave to these pills.  It really was like being a drug addict, fending off the sickness with the next dose; although these doses were prescribed by caring medical professionals.

The Fallout

Conchas FireHowever, to get to this point of clarity, one must muddle through the madness. I went crazy when I took myself off the pills at the tender age of 18. I believe it took close to two years before I really settled down, and initially, I was like a feral child.  I went so manic, which many physicians would say confirms that I needed to be on the medication.

However, according to Whitaker, our brain develops an adaptive response to the chemical imbalance the medication creates, and when we go off the meds, we can go through a “relapse”, which is pretty much what I went through.  I mean, I was running around Walgreens, decked out in a Satan mask, and ripping them off of their frozen pizzas!  The post-medication time in my life was tumultuous to say the least, but I got through it.

Looking back, I feel like the medication put a haze over this period of my life, which in some ways could be a good thing, because a lot of bad things happened.  However, now that I really know clarity, I wonder what it would have been like to really feel.  I recount my past with emotional detachment, like I’m retelling a movie I’ve watched over and over.

Book Review Conclusion

I must say that Whitaker’s book has been a huge source of validation for me, and has helped me understand why I have so many blank spots in my past.  Understanding through education is very important to me.

Have you read “Anatomy of an Epidemic”?

If yes, please comment on our blog and tell us what you thought!

Photograph of Conchas Fire by Craig D. Allen. Photograph of Zoloft bottles by Ragesoss. Colorful garbage image by bykst.

One thought on ““Anatomy of an Epidemic”: A Book Review and my Thoughts, Part 4

  1. Yes, if someone is on medication, they have no center. And they have not even begun to address what issues there may have been which made them vulnerable to being put on medication in the first place.

    But is this MSbP?

    Well usually this means that the parents are duping doctors. But in this case, the doctors want to be duped. Actually they are selling their services to treat bogus ailments. And it is like this with ADHD, Aspergers, and Autism as well. There is no objective reality to any of these things. So it is a type of MSbP in my view, but it is a type where the doctors are at least as culpable as the parents. The only remedy is outside legal intervention, and then criminal and civil court actions.

    And I hope you can see that when the authorities do step in, there are often going to be counter allegations, even if they have zero validity.

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